Jeff’s scholarly record is, of course, impressive:  the articles, the books, the chapters, and all of the other scholarly contributions.  But what’s more impressive, and more important, is that his work always stretches intellectual boundaries.  Yes, sexual orientation is a central concern for educational equity and we can talk about it as complexly as any other issue.  Yes, young people can understand equity concerns deeply and play a role in social justice and peacemaking.  Jeff never has been content with riding the wave of popular “diversity” discourse, even while many of our colleagues build careers on “diversity education” by being careful not to create too many waves.  Jeff is the real deal.  His scholarship encourages reconsideration on some of the most pressing and complex issues of our time.

~ Paul C. Gorski - New Century College, George Mason University ~


Sapp, J. & Chamness Miller, P.  (Eds.)  (2019).  Negotiating spiritual violence in the

     queer community.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Introduction and overall framework.  In Sapp, J. &

                Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.), Negotiating spiritual violence in the queer community.

                Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Catalyst.  In Sapp, J. & Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.), Negotiating

                spiritual violence in the queer community.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age


            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Introduction to trauma and religion.  In Sapp, J. &

                Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.), Negotiating spiritual violence in the queer community.

                Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Introduction to reconciliation.  In Sapp, J. &

                Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.), Negotiating spiritual violence in the queer community.

                Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  The clobber passages:  You have your scripture and I have

                mine.  In Sapp, J. & Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.), Negotiating spiritual violence in

                the queer community.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Queer fables.  In Sapp, J. & Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.),

                Negotiating spiritual violence in the queer community.  Charlotte, NC:

                Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Introduction to allies.  In Sapp, J. & Chamness Iida, P.

                (Eds.), Negotiating spiritual violence in the queer community.  Charlotte, NC:

                Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2019).  Conclusion.  In Sapp, J. & Chamness Iida, P. (Eds.), 

                Negotiating spiritual violence in the queer community.  Charlotte, NC:

                Information Age Publishing.

DeJean, W. & Sapp, J.  (Eds.)  (2017).  Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender

     teacher:  Letters of advice to help you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information

     Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J. & DeJean, W.  (2017).  Introduction and overall framework.  In

                 DeJean, W. & Sapp, J. (Eds.) Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender

                 teacher:  Letters of advice to help you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:

                  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2017).  Queer leadership.  In DeJean, W. & Sapp, J. (Eds.) Dear

                gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher:  Letters of advice to help 

                you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2017).  Pre-service credential candidates.  In DeJean, W. &

                 Sapp, J. (Eds.) Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher:

                  Letters of advice to help you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information

                 Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J. & DeJean, W.  (2017).  PreK-12 teachers.  In DeJean, W. & Sapp,

                 J. (Eds.) Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher:  Letters of

                 advice to help you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age


            > Sapp, J.  (2017).  Higher education.  In DeJean, W. & Sapp, J. (Eds.) Dear

                gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher:  Letters of advice to help 

                you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J.  (2017).  I wish I had read the faculty manual.  In DeJean, W. &

                 Sapp, J. (Eds.) Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher:

                 Letters of advice to help you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information

                 Age Publishing.

            > Sapp, J. & DeJean, W.  (2017).  Conclusion.  In DeJean, W. & Sapp, J.

                 (Eds.) Dear gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teacher:  Letters of

                 advice to help you find your way.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age


Butler-Wall, A., Cosier, K., Harper, R., Sapp, J., Sokolower, J. & Bollow Tempel, M.

    (Eds.).  (2016).  Rethinking sexism, gender and sexuality.  Milwaukee, WI:

      Rethinking Schools.

            > Sapp, J.  (2016).  Our curriculum.  In Butler-Wall, A., Cosier, K., Harper,

                 R., Sapp, J., Sokolower, J. & Bollow Tempel, M. (Eds.) Rethinking sexism,

                 gender and sexuality.  Milwaukee, WI:  Rethinking Schools.

            > Sapp, J.  (2016).  When teachers come out.  In Butler-Wall, A., Cosier, K.,

                 Harper, R., Sapp, J., Sokolower, J. & Bollow Tempel, M. (Eds.) Rethinking

                 sexism, gender and sexuality.  Milwaukee, WI:  Rethinking Schools.

            > Sapp, J.  (2016).  Gayvangelical:  Teaching at the intersection of

                religious and queer.  In Butler-Wall, A., Cosier, K., Harper,

                 R., Sapp, J., Sokolower, J. & Bollow Tempel, M. (Eds.) Rethinking sexism,

                 gender and sexuality.  Milwaukee, WI:  Rethinking Schools.

            > Sapp, J.  (2016).  Gender and sexuality resources for educators.  In

                 Butler-Wall, A., Cosier, K., Harper, R., Sapp, J., Sokolower, J. & Bollow

                 Tempel, M. (Eds.) Rethinking sexism, gender and sexuality.  Milwaukee,

                 WI:  Rethinking Schools.

Gorski, P., Osei-Kof, N., Sapp, J. & Zenkov, K. (Eds.).  (2013).  Cultivating social

    justice teachers:  How teacher educators have helped students overcome

    cognitive bottlenecks.  Sterling, VA:  Stylus.

            > Sapp, J.  (2013).  You’re going to hell:  When critical multicultural queer

                affirmation meets christian homophobia.  In Gorski, P., Osei-Kof, N.,

                 Sapp, J. & Zenkov, K. (Eds.) Cultivating social justice teachers:

                  How teacher educators have helped students overcome cognitive

                 bottlenecks.  Sterling, VA:  Stylus.

Sapp, J.  (2011).  One survivor remembers:  The Holocaust story of survivor Gerda

    Weissmann Klein, second edition.  Montgomery, AL:  The Southern Poverty

    Law Center.

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Rhinos and raspberries:  Stories & activities for young

    peacemakers (forward by Lois Lowry).  Montgomery, AL:  The Southern

    Poverty Law Center.

            > Sapp, J.  (2006).  Crocodile and ghost bat have a hullabaloo:  An 

                Australian tale of name-calling.  In Sapp, J. (Ed.), Rhinos and raspberries:

                  Stories & activities for young peacemakers.  Montgomery, AL:  The

                 Southern Poverty Law Center.

Sapp, J.  (2005).  One survivor remembers:  The Holocaust story of survivor Gerda

    Weissmann Klein.  Montgomery, AL:  The Southern Poverty Law Center.

Willoughby, B., Holladay, J., Williams, D., Sapp, J., Jackson, C., Brooks, L., Kilman, 

    C., et al. (Eds.).  (2005).  Speak up!  Responding to everyday bigotry.

      Montgomery, AL:  The Southern Poverty Law Center.

Bryan, P., Cardinal, D., Gaunty-Porter, D., Osborn, J., Sapp, J., Soohoo, S., Weston,

     S., and Wilson, T. (Eds.).  (2003).  Essays on urban education:  Critical

     consciousness, collaboration and the self.  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton Press.

            > Sapp, J.  (2003).  The curriculum of the self:  Critical self-knowing as

                critical pedagogy.  In Bryan, P., Cardinal, D., Gaunty-Porter, D., Osborn,

                 J., Sapp, J., Soohoo, S., Weston, S., and Wilson, T. (Eds.) Essays

                 on urban education:  Critical consciousness, collaboration and the self.

                  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton Press.

            > Bryan, P., Cardinal, D., Gaunty-Porter, D., Osborn, J., Sapp, J., Soohoo, S., 

                Weston, S., and Wilson, T.  (2003).  Can we talk about collaboration?  

                In Bryan, P., Cardinal, D., Gaunty-Porter, D., Osborn, J., Sapp, J.,

                 Soohoo, S., Weston, S., and Wilson, T. (Eds.) Essays on urban

                 education:  Critical consciousness, collaboration and the self.

                  Cresskill, NJ:  Hampton Press.

Sapp, J. (Ed.).  (2002).  Teaching reading through balanced literacy.  Bloomington,

     IN:  Phi Delta Kappa International.

Book Chapters

Sapp, J.  (2018).  Rethinking art in mathematics and science.  In Clark, C.,

     Haddad, Z. M. & VandeHei, A.  (Eds.)  STEM volume of the PK-12 multicultural

     curriculum transformation handbook.  Langham, MD:  R&L Education.

Sapp, J.  (2017).  A sissy speaks to gym teachers:  How I was formed and deformed

    by toxic masculinity.  In Chamness Miller, P. & Tsuyoshi McGivern, C. (Eds.)

     Queer voices from the locker room.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age

     Publishing, Inc.

Hamdan, K., Aguilar, J., Yee, P., Nee, A., Benitez, X., Medina, C. & Sapp, J.  (2014).

    Recruitment, selection, placement, and support in the preparation of quality

    urban secondary teachers.  In Issa Lahera, A., Hamdan, K., & Normore, A. H. 

    (Eds.) Pathways to excellence:  Developing and cultivating leaders for the 

    classroom and beyond.  Bangles, UK:  Emerald Group Publishing.

Sapp, J.  (2014).  How school taught me I was poor.  In Gorski, P. C. & Landsman, J.

    (Eds.) The poverty and education reader:  A call for equity in many voices.

    Sterling, VA:  Stylus.

Sapp, J.  (2008).  Teaching tolerance:  A project of the southern poverty law center.

    Multicultural approaches to family and community violence prevention - a 

    national perspective.  Boston, MA:  McGraw-Hill.

Sapp, J.  (2007).  James Baldwin.  In Anderson, G. L. & Herr, K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia

    of activism and social justice.  Thousand Oak, CA:  SAGE Publications.

Sapp, J.  (2007).  Nonviolence and activism.  In Anderson, G. L. & Herr, K. (Eds.)

     Encyclopedia of activism and social justice.  Thousand Oak, CA:  SAGE


Sapp, J.  (2007).  White privilege.  In Anderson, G. L. & Herr, K. (Eds.) Encyclopedia

    of activism and social justice.  Thousand Oak, CA:  SAGE Publications.

Smith, H., Allen, A., Varner, L., Wilder, J., Wentworth, M., Jones, B., Turnbull, D.,

     Priddy, M. S., Payne, A., Starling, M. & Sapp, J.  (1994).  Democratic teacher

     education:  Programs, processes, problems and projects.  Foxfire teachers’ 

    networks (viewed through Maxine Greene’s the dialectic of freedom.  Albany, NY:

    SUNY Press.

Magazine and Non-Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Sapp, J.  (2009).  Gay children’s books.  September 28, 2009 for 

Sapp, J.  (2009).  Back to school, back to community.  August 14, 2009 for

Sapp, J. & Nieto, S.  (2009).  How my school taught me I was poor.  Teaching

    Tolerance, Issue 35, pp. 52-55.

Garcia, M. M. & Sapp, J.  (2008).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of classroom

     management, part three.  June 11, 2008 for

Sapp, J.  (2008).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of classroom management, part

    two.  May 20, 2008 for

Sapp, J.  (2008).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of classroom management, part

    one.  April 10, 2008 for

Murrey, D. & Sapp, J.  (2008).  Making numbers count:  How social justice math

    can help students transform people, places, and communities.  Teaching 

    Tolerance, Issue 33, pp. 51-55.

Holladay, J., Grant, C., Irvine, J. J., Sleeter, C., Hunt, H., Gorski, P., Sapp, J., Holladay,

     J. M., & Beirich, H.  (2007).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of domestic

     poverty.  November 6, 2007 for

Sapp, J., Brooks, L., Briggs, S., Davis, R., Holladay, J., & Erbe, N.  (2007).  Anti-bias

    classroom:  The ABCs of conflict resolution.  October 4, 2007 for

Holladay, J., Briggs, S., Davis, R., English, T., Brooks, L., & Sapp, J.  (2007).  Six

    lessons from Jena:  What every school and educator can learn from the events

    in Jena.  September 27, 2007 for

Sapp, J.  (2007).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of closing the school year.  May

    30, 2007 for

Banks, J., Cummins, J., Christian, D., Collier, V., Cortes, C., Crawford, J. et al.  

    (2007).  Annotated bibliography of recommended professional literature:

    Educational interventions for English learners.  Sacramento, CA:  California

    Department of Education.

Holladay, J., Davis, R., English, T., Garcia, M., Rogers, T., Thomas, R., Williams, V.,

     Brooks, L., & Sapp, J.  The ABCs of school integration.  April 9, 2007 for

Holladay, J., Kilman, C., Rogers, T., Sapp, J., Thomason, R., & Williams, V.  (2007).

    Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of sexual orientation.  March 19, 2007 for

Jackson, C., Bradford, I., English, T., Holladay, J., Kilman, C., Raven, L., Sapp, J.,

    Thomason, R., & Williams, V.  (2007).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of

    hip-hop.  March 7, 2007 for

Sapp, J.  (2007).  Teaching as a subversive act.  February 21, 2007 for

Holladay, J., Akopyan, Y., Aronson, J., Bigelow, B., Christensen, L., English, T., et al.

    (2007).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of testing season.  February 21, 2007


Sapp, J.  (2007).  Ryan Fournier:  Openly gay student body president at OSU.

    February 15, 2007 for

Kilman, C., Bradford, I., Brooks, L., English, T., Holladay, J., Jackson, C., Sapp, J. &

    Thomason, R.  (2007).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of women’s history

    month.  February 4, 2007 for

Sapp, J.  (2007).  Grandmother of 6:  Media portrayals of gender in politics.

    February 4, 2007 for

Jackson, C., Bradford, I., English, T., Holladay, J., Kilman, C., Sapp, J., & Thomason, 

    R.  (2007).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of black history month.  January

    22, 2007 for

Sapp, J.  (2007).  Crocodile and ghost bat have a  hullabaloo:  An Australian tale of

    name-calling.  Teaching Tolerance, Issue 31, pp. 62-63.

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Mixing it up in California:  All the world’s a stage.  November 15,

    2006 for

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Why frogs and snakes never play together:  A pourquoi of

    prejudice.  September 25, 2006 for

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Juliette Hampton Morgan:  Becoming a white anti-racist

    educator.  September 18, 2006 for

Sapp, J. & Kagan, S.  (2006).  Increasing classroom race relations through

    cooperative learning.  Teaching Tolerance, Issue 30, pp. 51-54.

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Anti-bias classroom:  The ABCs of building community.  August

    15, 2006 for

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Esera Tuaolo:  Gay in the national football league.  April 15, 2006


Sapp, J.  (2006).  Cooperative comics:  Using comics to confront difficult issues at

    school.  January 6, 2006 for

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Rigor + support = success:  A formulat for educating children in

    poverty.  Teaching Tolerance, Issue 29, pp. 44-49.

Sapp, J.  (2006).  Wildcat goes a-bragging:  An Appalachian tale.  Teaching

    Tolerance, Issue 29, p. 64.

Sapp, J.  (2005).  Gerda Weissmann Klein:  One survivor keeps remembering.

    Teaching Tolerance, Issue 28, pp. 50-55.

Sapp, J.  (2005).  The clever boy and the terrible, dangerous animal.  Retelling of

    Idries Shah’s tale published by Hoopoe Books.  Teaching Tolerance, Issue 28,

    p. 64.

Sapp, J.  (2005).  A queer timeline:  Life after Jerry Falwell.  May 16, 2005 for

Sapp, J.  (2005).  With, not for:  Adults helping vs. hindering youth.  February 9, 

    2005 for

Sapp, J.  (2005).  Internet filters block “gay” and “lesbian.”  February 1, 2005 for

Sapp, J.  (2005).  Seeking a common language:  How do we get GLBTQ people and

    religious people to dialogue?  January 31, 2005 for

Sapp, J.  (2005).  Learning from hate mail.  Teaching Tolerance, Issue, 27, p. 5.

Sapp, J.  (2005).  Body, mind & spirit:  Holistic educators seek authentic

    connections with students, subjects, colleagues and the world.  Teaching

    Tolerance, Issue 27, pp. 24-29.

Sapp, J.  (2005).  The tail of the dog.  Retelling of Victor Montejo’s folktale from

    The Bird Who Cleans the World published by Curbstone Press.  Teaching 

    Tolerance, Issue 27, p. 64.

Willoughby, B., & Sapp, J.  (Eds.).  (2005).  The power of words:  Examining the

    language of ethnic, gender and sexual orientation bias.  Spring 2005 for

Sapp, J.  (2004).  World majority teenagers mix it up in California.  November 17,

    2004 for

Sapp, J.  (2004).  How the orca came to be.  Retelling of Anne Cameron’s Orca’s

    song published by Harbour Publishing.  Teaching Tolerance, Issue 26, p. 64.

Sapp, J.  (2004).  Say no to hate:  Tolerance takes a victory lap.  October 18, 2004


Sapp, J.  (2004).  Ready or not:  A coming out story.  October 8, 2004 for

Sapp, J.  (2004).  The southern poverty law center’s summer reading program:

    Dive into summer reading (Interview with Mem Fox).  June 2, 2004 for

Sapp, J.  (2004).  Coming out against biased language.  May 18, 2004 for


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