A You Rose
An Activity for Gerda Weissmann Klein’s The Blue Rose
Jeff worked with The Blue Rose Foundation to produce a lesson plan to go with their 2008 edition of The Blue Rose.
Loving The Blue Rose
After sharing Jenny’s story in The Blue Rose, lead students in a discussion of what makes Jenny a unique individual. Lead questions can be:
Answers will vary according to the age group, but students’ responses might include the following:
Identifying With The Blue Rose
Making The You Rose
Remind students that Jenny is like a rare blue rose. They, too, are rare roses. This art project allows students to create a unique rose that represents them. It helps students focus if they can see a model of this art project, so the teacher can make his or her own rose first.
There are so many different ways to do this art project:
Writing a Name Poem
To add a simple writing activity with this art project, have students write a common name poem that is placed with their art picture. The teacher could write one as a model with the students about Jenny.
J = Joyful
E = Endearing
N = Nice
N = Neat
Y = Young
This activity was written by Jeff Sapp and Kate Esposito for The Blue Rose Foundation.
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