


Helena Lourdes Donato-Sapp

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2015).  Mango [watercolor on paper].  Seen + Heard:  Arts, Sciences, Philosophy,

     And Other Works By Children, Chicago, IL.

Seen + Heard is an artist project by Rachel L. S. Harper that has the aim of accumulating a solid platform to advocate for the importance of cultural works of children.  Though exhibitions, publications, events, research, and direct support to artists, scientists, philosophers, politicians, and others ages 0-12, the purpose of the project is to be sure that the wisdom of children is amply represented in our cultural world.  Helena’s Mango piece was in the 2016 Treats exhibition that was curated by Ada Grey (age 9) and Rachel Harper and opened at the Chicago Art Department on February 12, 2016.  Helena donated her art piece to this important collection and Mango currently is on exhibit at DuPaul University in Chicago.  She was 7-years old at the time.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  The Hate of Segregation and the Love of Integration [linocut, ink on paper].

      Brown v. Board of Education Historical Site Museum, Topeka, KS.

Helena submitted two pieces to the Brown v. Board of Education Historical Site Museum’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Living the Dream 2018 Student Art Competition.  Her pieces were submitted under the theme of Justice & Human Rights.  The Brown v. Board of Education Historical Site honors the 1954 U. S. Supreme Court decision to integrate schools so that Black and white children could go to school together.  Her two pieces - showing the hate of segregation and the love of integration - were chosen by Kansas Muralist Michael Toombs to be a part of the Brown v. Board Mural Project and, thus, her work is a permanent part of this important museum.  She was 8-years old.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  A People’s Education Conference on Intersectional Ethnic Studies.

      Conference Attendee, Augustus Hawkins High School, Los Angeles, CA, Saturday, February 24,


Helena attended her first professional conference on February 24, 2018.  On the way home from the conference, we asked Helena what she remembered most and she said, “You have to fight to be free.”  Below are photos of her with one of the conference organizers, Dr. Ed Curammeng, and a photo of her taking notes during the poster sessions.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  Nonviolent protest - countering hate and extremism.  Conference Attendee,

     California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA, Saturday, February 27, 2018.

Helena attended her second professional conference on February 27, 2018.  Lecia Brooks is the outreach director for the Southern Poverty Law Center (and, well, also Helena’s Auntie), which uses litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy to teach and promote equity and inclusion in K-12 schools, track and monitor hate and extremist activity, and seek justice for the most vulnerable members of society.  Lecia also serves as the director of the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, Alabama.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2018).  Feminist Majority Foundation Global Women’s Rights Awards.  Attendee, The

     Wallis Annenberg Center for Performing Arts, Los Angeles, CA, Monday, May 21, 2018.

Helena was invited to attend the Feminist Majority Foundation Global Women’s Rights Awards ceremony to see her Auntie Monica Ramirez receive a Global Women’s Rights Award.  Monica is a civil rights attorney and co-founder of Alianza Nacional de Campesinos, which represents 700,000 farmworker women and their families working in the agricultural fields and packing sheds across the U. S.  Helena was introduced to some of the great women in the movement, like Adama Iwu, Maria Elena Durazo, Laura Dern, Elizabeth Nyamayaro, and Nina Shaw.  Helena also had a chance to meet Dolores Huerta, who she ended up doing her 3rd-grade biography project on.

Donato-Sapp, H., Donato, E. S., & Sapp, J.  (2018).  LGBT Representations in the Mirror of

     Curriculum:  The FAIR Act.  The California History Project.  Invited Presenter, Carson, CA,

     Thursday, July 26, 2018.

Helena and her two fathers were invited to speak about The FAIR Act at The California History Project Summer Institute.  Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act, also known as the FAIR Education Act (Senate Bill 48) and informally described as the LGBT History Bill, is a California law which compels the inclusion of the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexal, and transgender people into educational textbooks and the social studies curricula in California schools.  Helena spoke to over 40 veteran educators about what it is like to have same-sex parents.  Learn more about The FAIR Act.

Donato-Sapp, H., Donato, E. S., & Sapp, J.  (2018).  Teaching Tough Topics To Third-Graders.

         California State University Dominguez Hills Liberal Studies Course 301 Schooling in a Multicultural

         Society.  Invited Presenter, Carson, CA, Wednesday, November 21, 2018.

Helena was invited to speak about teaching controversial topics in the elementary classroom to two different sections of Liberal Studies students who are learning how to become elementary teachers.  The class - Schooling in a Multicultural Society - had students who thought teaching tough topics was either inappropriate or too difficult for young children.  Dr. Jen Stacy, Professor of Liberal Studies, invited Helena to come and share her writing, art, and activism so that her college students could see that young children are mature enough to tackle tough issues.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2019).  Dr. Angela Y. Davis:  The Dymally Distinguished Speaker Series.  Attendee,

     California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA, Monday, February 11, 2019.

In her continuing efforts to learn more about 

American history, Helena took an afternoon off 

from 4th-grade to see scholar, author, and 

activist Dr. Angela Y. Davis speak at California 

State University Dominguez Hills.  Through her 

activism and scholarship over the last decades, 

Angela Davis has been deeply involved in our 

nation’s quest for social justice.  Her work has 

always emphasized the importance of building 

communities of struggle for economic, racial, 

and gender justice.  Helena is currently studying 

about Dr. Davis so that she can do a major report 

on her in 4th-grade.

(Below) When she learned that a girl in the kindergarten class was  having trouble accepting her own hair, Helena decided to make a poster for the kindergarten classroom - one that introduced the Black is Beautiful Movement.

Donato-Sapp, H., Donato, E. S., & Sapp, J.  (2019).  Teaching Tough Topics To Fourth-Graders.

         California State University Dominguez Hills Liberal Studies Course 301 Schooling in a Multicultural

         Society.  Invited Presenter, Carson, CA, Wednesday, April 18, 2019.

Helena was invited back to speak to more future educators about how young children tackle tough topics.  She is a semester regular guest speaker now for Liberal Studies 301 - Schooling in a Multicultural Society.  This was her third time to speak in this graduate-level course.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2019).  Innovative Woman 2.0 Fast Pitch Competition & Networking.

         California State University Dominguez Hills, CSUDH Innovation Incubator.  Invited Presenter,

         Carson, CA, Wednesday, March 29, 2019.

Helena was invited to the Innovative Woman 2.0 Fast Pitch Competition & Networking to pitch her original business idea to a large university audience and a panel of seven distinguished judges.  She was invited to represent the future of entrepreneurship and was the youngest participant.  The organizers of the event were so impressed with her pitch that they’ve invited her to be a part of CSUDH’s Incubator Hatchery Launchpad Program (HLP) to help her launch her new business enterprise.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (In press).  Black Girl Magic is a Glorious Gift.  In Danielle Apugo, Lynnette

      Mawhinney, and Afiya M. Mbilishaka’s Strong Black Girls:  Patchwork Stories of Remembrance,

      Resistance, and Resilience in K-12 Schooling (Eds.).

Recent findings interrogating the schooling experiences of Black girls within the United States still eerily echo Malcolm X’s decades-old notion that Black women and girls are in many ways the most unprotected, disrespected, and neglected population in America.  Today, Black girls are facing a lack of protection from school discipline policies and procedures that feed the school-to-prison pipeline, and a lack of respect for their lived experiences, magic, identity, and social development within school environments across the nation.  These shortfalls ultimately lead to the neglect of Black girls’ overall well-being, and as such, many questions still linger in response to these jeopardies.  Therefore, this volume asks:  What are the stories experiences of Black girls and women in school?  This edited volume seeks to hear voices and stories experiences from Black women and girls reflecting on past or current experiences within K-12 schools.  This volume hopes to reimagine notions of strength as they pertain to Black womanhood and Black girlhood.

For this book, Helena asked the Black women in her life what it was that helped them through their K-12 schooling experiences.  She collected their wisdoms and pulled out the key phrases that spoke to her the most.  She also wanted to honor the powerful Black women that she has heard speak in the last few years and reflected back on the advice they’d given her as well.  She turned all of these wisdoms into a phrase poem that offers advice to Black girls like herself as they negotiate the often hostile hallways of school.  Stay tuned for this new publication!

Donato-Sapp, H., Donato, E. S., & Sapp, J.  (2019).  Tackling Tough Topics.  California State University

         Dominguez Hills Teacher Education Division Course 506 Schooling in a Multicultural Education.

         Invited Presenter, Carson, CA, Tuesday, July 23, 2019.

Over the last couple of years, this was Helena’s fourth presentation to 45 graduate education students on how she tackles tough topics like race, class, gender, sexual orientation, bullying, and a plethora of other topics that some think are too sensitive or controversial for young children.  She read her published works, spoke, and fielded questions from the graduate students.

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2019).  Philanthropic Giving:  Donation of 573 Children’s and Adolescent Novels to Westerly School of Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, Friday, August 30, 2019.

Helena ’s Daddy reviews all kinds of books for professional journals and magazines and gets to keep the books after the reviews.  His office if so full of books that he wanted to clean it out.  Helena asked if they could donate all of the children’s and young adult novels to her school because it is building a new library.  Giving is a Donato-Sapp family value!

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2019).  Future me thanks you.  Designated Conference Poet of the National

     Institutes for Historically Underserved Students.  West Virginia University Parkersburg.  Invited

     Presenter, Parkersburg, WV, November 7-9, 2019.

Helena was invited to be the Poet of the National Institute for Historically Underserved Students Think Tank that was held at West Virginia University Parkersburg.  The purpose of the Institutes is to research and identify common barriers to educational equity and success for all historically-underserved students, to develop and disseminate research-based solutions to those barriers, and to recruit, retain, and graduate more of those students who are currently being overlooked or failed by American higher education.  Helena was asked to write and perform an original poem based on the themes of rising up against barriers.  She was ten years old.

Donato-Sapp, H., Donato, E. S., & Sapp, J.  (2019).  Teaching Tough Topics To Third-Graders.

         California State University Dominguez Hills Liberal Studies Course 301 Schooling in a Multicultural

         Society.  Invited Presenter, Carson, CA, Monday/Tuesday, November 25th and 26th, 2019.

Helena was invited to speak about teaching controversial topics in the elementary classroom to two different sections of Liberal Studies students who are learning how to become elementary teachers.  The class - Liberal Studies 301 Schooling in a Multicultural Society - had students who thought teaching tough topics was either inappropriate or too difficult for young children.  Dr. Jen Stacy, Professor of Liberal Studies, invited Helena to come and share her writing, art, and activism so that her college students could see that young children are mature enough to tackle tough issues.  This was her sixth time to give this presentation to graduate students.

Graduate students were asked to fill out a reflection form answering the prompt on how Helena’s presentation impacted them.  Here are some of their responses:

“I am inspired that she is young and highly educated about what adults decide to turn 

their eyes away from.  She’s so young and that will only make her an empowering activist.”

                                       “Helena’s presentation impacted me in that it made me reflect about how important it is to be able to talk to children about tough topics because they are already living them.”

“Helena is only ten years old and it amazes me how she can go in front

of a college classroom and just speak her mind.”

“Helena’s presentation impacted me by allowing me to see what students can achieve

when they are exposed to knowledge on real world issues.  Watching her just reinforces

how I want to teach social justice content to my future classroom.”

Donato-Sapp, H.  (2019, December 26).  Women in science:  Learn about being a veterinarian, an

     interview with Dr. Margaret Wixson.  {Blog post}.  Retrieved from https://



(Click on the image above to read the entire article.)

Helena also enjoys taking swimming lessons at Deep Blue, performing theater with TKTC, running track-and-field on her school team, playing the violin, being on the school volleyball team, and karate at the Power of One, where she recently earned her Purple Belt.  Helena also loves to travel (her Papa is a retired flight attendant) and she has been to Paris, London, Sydney, and Amsterdam.

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