Illustration by Stephen Alcorn

How The Orca Came To Be

A Love Tale

A Retelling by Jeff Sapp

    Long ago, Orca was only one color, black, and she lived in the water, swimming to the surface to breathe.  She loved to lie on the top of the  ocean and watch Osprey flying the ocean breeze.  Osprey flies higher, further and longer than other birds.  She loves to giggle and laugh.

    Orca often wondered what it would be like to fly and so in her heart felt Osprey was her special friend.  When Orca saw Osprey coming for salmon, she would chase them to the surface as a gift.  Soon, Osprey realized what Orca was doing and would swoop over the water calling out a thank you.  Osprey would tell Orca of bushes and berries and forests and flowers.  Once, she even brought ripe berries for Orca to taste.

    They were very good friends and one day they knew they loved each other.  They were both happy and sad for one was a creature of the air and the other was a creature of the sea.

    Still, they loved each other and love always finds a way.  Orca loved to jump from the water, pretending to fly.  This made her feel close to Osprey.  Osprey spent most of her time gliding the surface of the water because she wanted to be close to her love.  One day as Orca leaped and Osprey swooped, their bodies touched for a brief moment and their love was shown.

    When their baby was born, she was black like Orca, but also had white spots like the head and belly of Osprey.  She swam like Orca but giggled and made sounds like Osprey.  The baby loved to play and no other whale enjoys life as much.  All new Orca babies are black with white patches because they are the result of love between different worlds.  Because of this, they are capable of love for all living things.

Retold by Jeff Sapp from Orca’s Song, by Anne Cameron.  This story first appeared in Teaching  Tolerance Magazine in Fall 2004.

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